For many South African drivers, giving our cars a personal touch is a must. But before you hit the streets with a free-flow exhaust, low-profile tyres and custom rims, here’s a heads-up: Make sure your insurer is in the loop, or you might be in a pickle when it’s time to make a claim.
Not all car modifications are created equal. Some, like vanity plates, won’t bump up your insurance premium at all. A snazzy paint job may have an effect on your premium, especially if the colour is metallic or hard to match. Racing stripes, a sunroof or a souped-up sound system may also affect your premium. Some add-ons like dash cams and tracking devices might lead to your monthly premium being slightly lower. But anything that tweaks your car’s value or how it performs needs to be disclosed, says Wynand van Vuuren, client experience partner at King Price Insurance.
“There are loads of cool extras and mods that are seen as bonuses but which actually increase the value of your ride and should be allowed for in your monthly premium. Likewise, if you modify your car’s performance, for example if you add a turbo-charger, that’s going to change the risk and you’ve got to let your insurer know,” explains Van Vuuren.
And, if you’re thinking about going all #FastAndFurious, not only could you kiss insurance goodbye, but you might also find yourself in hot water with the law. Wild mods that mess with the safety of other drivers – like slipping in some nitrous oxide, slamming the suspension down, or slapping on monster wheels – might render your car unroadworthy.
“The ball’s in your court when it comes to keeping your insurer clued up on any mods you make to your car. After-market additions and accessories could increase the value of the car and turbo-charge your risk, which means that your premium will also go up. In fact, some modifications will even make your car uninsurable full-stop. Simple rule of thumb: If it didn’t come stock-standard with the car, let your insurer know,” says Van Vuuren.